Årets bostadsrättsförening 2013
Årets bostadsrättsförening 2013

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There is no official translation of this home page. In case you need to translate this website into English we recommend using available translation tools on the web. Note! We do not take any responsibility for the translation quality you receive.

It's important for all new and existing members of  Bostadsrättsföreningen Kotkagatan to fully understand the information and comply to the rules and regulations at all times.

You can get personal assistance at our office at Kotkagatan 17 during opening periods or we will try our best to respond to your mail with inqueries.

Do however note that it's expected that you have read the information on the home page in first hand before submitting a request for translation and/or explanation. 

Thank you.

Below is a short description on what living in an "bostadsrätt" means;

Brf Kotkagatan is short for Bostadsrättsföreningen Kotkagatan. The Swedish term of ’Bostadsrättsförening’ can be translated into Tenant-owner’s association which roughly corresponds to the English term of Housing cooperative (see also information specific to Sweden). A Bostadsrättsförening is a form of living and ownership in between a rental flat and an owned house. It is a form of housing/living that is not normally used outside of the Nordic countries.

As a guiding rule the association is responsible for the building and its façade, together with the system for heating, water and plumbing. The monthly fee that you pay to the association covers the costs for these basic services, and all other costs the association has. Note that electricity is not included in the fee and you need to have a private deal with an elctricity provider. You do need to contact our IT provider currently Telenor and sign a deal with them regarding telephony, broadband and TVT.

The Bostadsrättsförening is run by a board, consisting of a number of people living in the building and elected a yearly which all tenants are invited to during the spring. The yearly meeting will also vote on other matters of importance for the building and Bostadsrättsförening. The rules (Swedish ”Stadgar”) of the Bostadsrättsförening controls in details the devision of responsibility between the owners (you), förening and the board.

The tenants living in the building, the members that makes up the housing cooperative, are responsible for the interiors which gives a high degree of freedom to affect your style of living (without all the exterior maintenance that comes with owning your own house). It however also gives you a high degree of responsibility to take care of your own apartment! It is mandatory that you not only have an insurance for your apartment (in Swedish called ”Hemförsäkring”) but you must also have an add-on insurance needed only if you live in a Bostadsrättsförening, this add-on is called a ”Bostadsrättstillägg”. This add on will cover big parts of costs that you will otherwise personally have to take, if there for example is a water leak in your apartment.

Please note that you do not own your appartment, you own a part of the association which includes the right to live in a certain appartment. This means that you are not free to do whatever you see fit with the interiors of your appartment, moving walls and making changes to systems such as plumbing, the electrical and ventillation may not be allowed without the written permission of the housing association. If you are not sure what is allowed or not, always ask first to avoid costly misstakes.

Living in an Brf means that only we, together, can make this an affordable and a pleasant place to live in.